Why Your 1976 Bicentennial Quarter Might Be Worth a Fortune


Bicentennial quarters, minted in 1976 to celebrate America’s 200th birthday, might seem like ordinary coins, but some are incredibly valuable. While most are worth ...

Top 5 Rare Bicentennial Quarters Worth Up to $55,000


The Bicentennial Quarter, issued in 1976, is a special coin celebrating 200 years of American independence. Most of these quarters are fairly common, but ...

The $100 Million Bicentennial Quarter: How One Coin Became a Legend


The Bicentennial Quarter is a unique coin minted in 1976 to celebrate America’s 200th birthday. But did you know that one of these quarters ...

Rare Misprinted Bicentennial Quarter Could Be Worth Over $500,000!


The 1976 Bicentennial Quarter was minted to celebrate 200 years of American independence. Although millions of these quarters were produced, certain rare versions with ...